Phone Numbers
in Database
0 M+
Website Entities
blocked in the last 3 months
0 M+
Websites Scanned
in the last 3 months
0 M+

Why ScamNet


Inherit ScamNet's technology with ease

High Performance & Efficiency

ScamNet Intelligence API shares the same architecture that is deployed on-device in the ScamNet: Anti-Scam App, ensuring performance & efficiency

Proven & Tested Method

The core technology behind ScamNet Intelligence powers ScamNet: Anti-Scam App which is daily driven by our consumers at scale

Privacy-Focused Architecture

No user data is collected unless explicit consent is given via feedback of the result shown or when manually reporting scam content


Trusted By Organisations Worldwide

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ScamNet Intelligence API

Add ScamNet Intelligence To Your Workflow

Identity • Phone Number • Website


Checks if given email address is in a data breach and returns a detailed response about the breach status


Checks if given phone number is in ScamNet's whitelist/graylist/blacklist

Feature Image 01


Checks for scam indicators in the given website using our state of the art scam detection engine (Rule + ML Based)


Allows your users to report to ScamNet's managed & centralised database


Best Value

Save additional 25% off when you attribute ScamNet in your platform. T&C apply

Email Identity

Checks if given email address is in a data breach and returns a detailed response about the breach status

$0.10 USD /1K Calls

Phone Numbers

Checks if given phone number is in ScamNet's whitelist/graylist/blacklist in addition to the properties with user reporting

$0.25 USD /1K Calls


Checks for scam indicators in the given website using our state of the art scam detection engine (Rule + ML Based)

$0.50 USD /1K Calls


Get in Touch

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We will get back to you at the soonest.

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Drop us an email to [email protected] or reach out to us over WhatsApp @+6596179587.